This is an interview from the french grind zine "IMPAIRED" issue 3. Typed without any correction of any word.
SQUASH BOWELS is one of the new bands who discretely are growing up puting out more and more releases each times on different labels and who are becoming more famous after each show. I saw Christopher and the rest of the band for the first time at the WEE LAWAAT festival Summer 96 and they really impressionated me a lot by their performance and their friendship, with everybody. Their music is powerfull and they aren`t big headed bastards as some of the DEAD INFECTION`s trio members were. Anyway, I don`t give a fuck to the effects of alcohol about some guys, if the music is OK. And in the case of SQUASH BOWELS, they merit the succuess. Read this interview and buy their last EP and tape, they really kill everything (even their english isn`t so good...):
1) Hi, Christopher. First of all, I would like you to remind us the whole story of SQUASH BOWELS, since the really first release, and also tell us please the name of the previous bands of each members?:
SQUASH BOWELS was borned exactly in April `94 with the line-up: Mariosh (voc.), Paluch (bass), Lechu (gui.). After three months of playing, we recorded our first release "Fürgott". Now the line-up presents: Mariosh (voc.), Paluch (bass, backing voc.), Lechu (gui.) and Rogal (drums).
2) The very first release I got from SQUASH BOWELS was the promo tape 1994 (the so called Fürgott demo). Slaweck of DEAD INFECTION dubt it to me with these words: "They`re a fuckin` Polish band!!!" You`re both living in the same place (Bialystock); so who the first influenced the other one and when? Did some other bands encourage you to continue your project (I especially think about PTOMANIA)?. How are your relations with DEAD INFECTION?. Competitions or cooperations?:
Well, I don`t know who DEAD INFECTION are. Who`s that band?. He, He!!. Dead Infection and us are very good friends. Only friends, not any cooperation or competition. About PTOMANIA, it was the band where played the vocalist of DEAD INFECTION. Now PTOMANIA is dead.
3) Sorry for such a crap question, but here in France Munkir and me were really ripped off many and many times by Polish bands, and so we denied the scene for a while. Sad, but according to you, were just victims of isolated bastards or is it (was it...) a current practise in the underground scene Poland?. By the way, tell us who are the labels and the distros (serious of course) who are truely acting in your country?:
They are some fuckin`rip offs; for example: Baron Rec., Loud Out Rec., and other fuckin`posers. Very big fuck off to Polish shitty labels!!!.
4) I really don`t want to be ironic, but the really first release was an autoproduction, the split Ep with/ CATASEXUAL URGE MOTIVATION and the split live tape with UNDINISM are released on German labels, and your full lenght Ep and live tape were done by a Japanese label. So, what`s happened to Polish labels?. Why don`t they believe in the talentuous bands like you from their own country?:
Polish labels as I said before aren`t interested in bands playing grind/noise/hc. Polish labels release only fashionable music. They publish music of the bands only for money. Fuckn` posers. Well, who is playing Balck, doom, sympho or gothic metal way write to Polish labels - pigs.
5) Following the same spirit as the previous question, do you actually have the attention of any label (worldwide) to produce something more (I don`t want to provoke someone with such a word) "commercial" like a Cd or a Lp?. I think your name in now well known, in the European scene and worldwide too I hope. So, when will we have the opportunity to listen such a stuff?:
I think that a Cd or Lp isn`t commercial. It`s good to sign a band but not for commercial idea. Only a music or someone`s activity could be considered as commercial. I don`t know when we`ll have our debut Cd, but if it will be, it won`t be commercila for sure.
6) It seems you play a lot of gigs. Do you really enjoy it?. What does the audience gives you for feelings?. Do you have special acts during your shows?. I mean: with such lyrics and violence musicwise, do you use blood, body arts or stuffs like that?. What do you think about Black metal bands (even in your country, `coz I know many are trying to play in Poland), who are using corpsepaints, spikes, light and so on?. How do you accept this trend in the scene?. Is the Polish audience more turned into BM than grind core or is it the opposite according to you?:
Yeah, we like guys very much and we are satisfied of our gigs. Our shows are sometimes very sick and psycho. We don`t use blood or entrails. Only music is true feelings for the band. Many Black Metal bands are very shitty in Poland, but some of them are good. Personnaly I only like BATHORY, IMPALED NAZARENE, SARCOFAGO, BLASPHEMY and some positions of MARDUK. Now, Black Metal is fuckin` trend like death metal was 3 or 4 years ago. Shows with true human blood and entrails could be very great, but majority of groups are using false things. It`s stupid.
7) As we are discuting about "trends" in general, what`s your opinion about the actual obsession of many bands and musicians to orient themselves more into sex, perversions and mass murdering?. What did push them to do that?. Is it plagiasm or just a moral (or mental) view?:
I think now the trend is Black metal as I sais before, or doom, symphonic and gothic metal. These groups are very, very presents, and tons are borning, good or bad, but I hope that once would be the evil of this. I think these are little bands who are dealing with murdering, sex and so on. It isn`t a trend yet!. In comparaison with BM or symphonic, it isn`t a trend yet.
8) All your lyrics, since the whole beginning (I think) are brutally gore and splatter horrors turned (as for DEAD INFECTION but of course many other bands). It`s an usual question for a grind core band like SQUASH BOWELS but why such an orientation lyricswise?. Do you usually have some "no catholic" practices, as mentally profanation, morgue visits, cadavers obsessions and stuffs like that?. What and where do you find your inspiration?. What`s about sex?:
You think bad, he, he. All our lyrics aren`t gore, splatter brains, sex and so on. Many people think like you because we have some gore pictures, but our lyrics aren`t gore. Lyrics of SQUASH BOWELS are about human life, human problems in general, social, personal, about people`s feelings, `animals` feelings`, about all shits and evils of this earth. Inspirations come from the whole life, mine and others. So, personnaly, I like horror/gore, perverse movies and so on. Sex is great, debauches and perversity is cool!!!.
9) Ok, now we know a little more about you and SQUASH BOWELS, so let me ask you some question about the music. It sounds very brutal, powerfull as hell, and well,, to tell you the truth, it stays the only style I enjoy today. Your compos are very pure grind core with a raw sound (4 arms and 4 legs drummer!!). Difficult question: what`s grindcore for you?. Is it the future trend of the underground worldwide or is this style condamned to stay in the obscurity for eternity?:
Grind core is the music we like most. It`s music for expression of all feelings and ideas. It`s the pest of life. I think grind/noise/crust/hc couldn`t be trends in the underground. In each country is the general music scene more imposant than the underground scene. And some trens may exist only on the general scene. Rich and big labels and records release music of band who can sell. Bands are more and more with music more commercial and it is the way to come into being fuckin` trend. Selling is causing trend, but underground is only underground and here couldn`t it be a trend.
10) Will SQUASH BOWELS exploit new directions, always musicwise speaking?. I mean, do you have the intention to compose some hard core songs or stuffs like that?
Now, new dierction of SQUASH BOWELS is going to become hyper grind and with powerfull sound, extremely sick vocals. Maybe in the future songs would be more hc, but without a doubt will it be with grind and noise influences.
11) Speaking now with the last release: "Dead?!". It`s the second time you are using a picture as design for cover. It appears to my eyes that you are reaching the art, horror art of BRUJERIA, isn`t it?. Where did you find the photos?. Do you have a friend working in a morgue?. What sort of feelings do you want to have: fear, disgust, fascination, what else?. If you`ll have T-shirts, whar will you have for design?:
The "Dead?!" demo is an old position for us, because it was recorded 1.5 years ago. I found a picture for the cover in the encyclopedia of forensic medicine. This picture and others from collage (for example) appear for people what is cruel life and what man may make for other man. It`s terrible for some people. Now, we have our shirts "Don`t Worry" and on the back side written our logos. It can be yours for 12 US $ (Europe) and 13 world. Newest shirts will be out soon.
12) Oh yes, a personal question now: what`s about Japan?. It seems you got some friends here (C.U.M., Bloodbath Rec, Obliteration Rec and so on), but is that all, or do you have the lust to live in their country (or just visit it)?. Did you interest yourself inot their culture?:
Japan is very old and beautiful country. I`d like to see the whole country of course. Their culture and other thing are exotic and I hope girls are very great. ...and of course the scene is very cool!!!.
13) I sometimes ask this question to the band, it depends of my imagination: why did you choose SQUASH BOWELS for a band name?. What does that mean for you?. Has it a special meaning or was it simply two words coming from your mind or the dictionary?:
The name SQUASH BOWELS fit very much to our music and to what we are doing. I`m satisfied that I found these two words in my mind. As I said it`s the part of my life.
14) Don`t you have the lust to have a side project?. If yes, it means that you`d like to express feelings or a style you can`t have or do in SQUASH BOWELS. If no, SQUASH BOWELS is more than a band, it`s your conscious. What do you want to choose and comment?:
I haven`t any other project and other memebers haven`t projects too. But I`d like to make sex/ noise project. SQUASH BOWELS is not sex band. Name of the project should be probably N.H.B.M. which means Nympho Harrid Bodily Molestation, but maybe in the future. I don`t know yet.
15) To cut my speach about the Polish scene (and rip offs we told about before), do you have a band from your country to promote here?. Give us your whole merchandising:
Good bands from Poland I recommend you are: DEAD INFECTION, INCARNATED, PSYCHONEUROSIS, ROTTING HEAD, GROSSMEMBER and so on. Promo tape `94 Fürgott, live tape in A.C.K., split tape with UNDINISM, demo "Dead?!", split Ep with C.U.M. and full lengh Ep called "Someting Nice". And we will have the best releases in the future. Besides thanx a lot Necrophil for this interview. Support the underground and good music. Kill all trends. Fuck off ripp offs, posers. You, looking like beautifull little sexy girls with sweet cunts, he, he, write to:
Rogucki/ ul. Kozlowa 10-11/ 15-868
Bialystock// POLAND.